Wednesday, August 6, 2008

She did it!!!!!

Janie has yet to roll over - until tonight.

Her pediatrician was concerned that at 7 months old, she hasn't rolled - so she had to be evaluated by the states early intervention service. We knew nothing was wrong - but you can't help worrying about your baby.So we had been practicing what the physical therapist had taught us. And tonight she rolled - not once - but about 15 times. Every time we cheered she got more excited and wanted to roll again.

Here are the cheerleaders - Devynn and Mia - doing some moves to encourage Janie.
Devynn said "Janie is the best bowler ever! I mean roller."


***LIZ*** said...

Yay! I knew she could do it!

Pocketful of Posh Boutique said...

Awwww!!!! I'm so proud of you Janie.

Stacey said...

Good job Janie!!! Before you know it she will be all over the place. Love her pics-- she is sooo adorable!

Heather said...

Yay, for Janie. Taryn took forever too. She only does it in her sleep and never from her belly to back. Janie seams pretty mellow and Taryn ahs a very mellow temperment and so she isn't very movtivated.

Melissa and Trevor said...

that is wonderful!!!!!!! See, does she really need the Therapy???? NO!!!! She is just going to do things on her own time with that adorable smile on her face! see you tonight :)